Thursday, March 25, 2010

Debate- Why sex education should be included in school syllabus ?

Queries or Questions were turned into Yes Answer by following Points…

1.What do you mean by sex education ?

2.What type of education they are giving under the heading sex education ?

Biological aspect should be explained by teachers to their students, along with some of the value-based, emotional and cultural issues which come up in adolescence.

3.Who are giving sex education ? Are they able to teach ? 4.Are they efficient ?

Preferably by science teacher. Teachers must be trained before.

5.I haven’t seen the actual syllabus but it hardly seems as if giving this kind of information is ‘encouraging’ sexual activity

The WHO believes that there is no evidence that comprehensive sex education programs encourage sexual activity

6.Inadequate information may develop over curiosity / unnecessary anxiety and teenager may start exploring porn site (?)

With the right information they can make right decisions...

7.The truth however is that formal sex education has little or no impact on the decision to have sex. The external environment such as peer group interaction, effect of media and individual personality – sex drive, appetite for risk etc which is responsible. And those are factors beyond the state’s control.

The aim of sex education should be to make adolescents more informed about their personal sexual activity, sexual health and overall healthcare, experts say, while teachers want the syllabus for the same to be prescribed in a different fashion.

8. Fifty years ago, teachers did not need to speak of sex to students. So why the necessity today?

But I think these people who oppose "sex education" do not actually understand the problem. Secondly, it is natural for old generation teachers to feel uncomfortable to talk about such topics to children. And instead of thinking of solutions (like having new generation younger teachers for such topics)

9.Previous generations of women and men did not received sex education in school.. Were they lacking such knowledge? So why does this generation need to be taught?

The answer to that question is so obvious that it really does not need an answer. Today, girls have to be taught because they are more vulnerable than their mothers. They are encouraged to be out in the public space. They are made to believe that they can do anything with their lives. Yet they do not know enough about their bodies to understand how to protect themselves — from assault and disease. These are basic issues that boys and girls can be taught in a clear, clinical way in school.

10.Give indirect.& give judo- karate edn

Not substitute

11.Give yog shikshan

And Yawan/yon shikshan

12.It is a completely absurd idea. I seriously criticise this fake modernism. There is a saying "Time is the best teacher." Let these kids grow up in a clean and divine environment.

This is the modern times, so people or children will want to learn more and they need facts. So, sexual education is very essential

13.Educated parents can provide sex education to their child . So why to include in school syllabus.

Since a majority Indian parents are unlikely to be comfortable talking about sex with their kids, a formal sex education programs has its merits

14.Even if teachers are allowed to cover these sensitive topics, they may avoid them because they fear adverse community reaction; more than one-third report such concerns This is the fad – and the need of western countries only.

This is nothing foreign; most civilised nations use the educational system as a crucial means to inform children about what amounts to a sexual assault or crime against a minor, and about the various victim support systems

15.The Supreme Court on 16 November 2005 has decided that sex education in schools cannot be brought under the ambit of fundamental rights by making it a part of the right to education. "We cannot make it (sex education) a fundamental right,"

The Delhi-based Sakshi Violation Intervention Centre in a 1997 study that interviewed 350 school children, found that 63 per cent of the girl respondents had been sexually abused by a family member; 25 per cent raped, and over 30 per cent sexually abused. However, despite the gravity of the problem, the various facets of child sexual abuse are never discussed within the educational system.

16.School launches 'safe' website for sex education ( China & Australia ) Our teenagers are not yet familiar to net surfing and so no exploring porn sites .Do you want them to do such things ?

This is not pornography we are talking about. Sex should not be a dirty word. It is a 'fact of life', one that everyone has a right to know and understand.

17. It is not easy to monitor, who and how these courses will carried. In many schools many male even female teachers and some students may use this to harass and to manipulate some ‘week’ personalities.

We can work on this.

18.Why do teenagers need sex education when adults are not aware of it’s all aspects in details.

Kids need the right information to help protect themselves. (1) more teenagers becoming pregnant each year.(2) risk of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) (3) including HIV – AIDS.

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