Monday, June 28, 2010

Tips for Parents

Do allow your child to take sex education courses in school.

You may not agree with everything what is taught or may also not aware of things they teach or you may not aware the way they are teaching…but give them some time so as to come to at a level of standard format of teaching.

Your child can use what he or she learns in school…as his first original source of knowledge.

Do not awkward, make self-conscious, or humiliate your child about their sex education in class.

Do keep the lines of communication open with your child. Let him free all the time to talk to you on the subject.

Do not close the chapter in any manner…as this sensitive and vast subject needs periodic discussions…like question and answer sessions.

Do not think that what your child learns about sex at school is enough. It is not. It is continuous education process…and as children today are all the time come across with the news related to sexual abuse…sexual scandal and some more related news…which may have bad or negative impression on his mind regarding sex life….and inaccurate sexual images on their mind…can be dangerous as far as his innocent mind is concerned.

Do not neglect the major contribution of the media and their peers. The need is to choose appropriate things or information. So guide your child to accept the right information so as to be on the right track.

Do speak to your child’s school about what they are teaching and the sexual education curriculum is okay…but it should be by an unintentional way in a smooth manner.

You can see the text book but avoid making any comments on it…if you are some opinions talk to concerned teacher.

Do not argue with your child over his opinion…if you think his opinions or conclusions he is making are wrong one…learn as art to change his opinion by a simple method…avoid arguments…

Respect your child’s opinions. Accept the fact that they are growing up and have the ability to have opinions and may be aware of things which you was not expecting.

Do keep in touch with your child’s sex education teacher. Attend school meetings when ever you are invited. Be active participant in discussion.